Friday, April 11, 2008

Margaret Cho REALLY likes Obama (*wink* *wink*)

Last night, I was surprised by my partner and some friends with tickets to see Margaret Cho. Liam Sullivan (and his alter egos, Kelly and Aunt Susan) opened. For those who don't know, Text Message Breakup is a cult phenom among younger voters. Betch.

Cho herself made her stance in this election quite clear: damning Hillary with faint praise, she said she REALLY likes Obama. *wink* *wink* For emphasis, she repeated that she REALLY likes Obama. *wink* *wink*

Poor Mark Pennocchio Penn: all he could muster was that "sad old queen," Elton (to borrow a phrase Cho herself used last night to describe Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig of HeDaHo). Cho and Kelly would kick Sir Elton's ass in a caged Grudge Match.

One more sign that Mark's Muppeteering is so over?

Can we please just do a Text Messsage Breakup with Billary and be done with it?

That, my friends, would be Beautiful , indeed.

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